jEFFSTANA on October 8th, 2014

Here’s one more example of the flying monkey effect originating within conservative blogs. Canadian Police Reject Own Anti-Terror Handbook for Being ‘Adversarial’ Search the Internet with the above query, and discover loads of right-wing sites lighting up, one after another, with duplicate “news” articles detailing how Canadians might consider a soft-pedal toward Muslim Jihadists. However, […]

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jEFFSTANA on September 30th, 2012

  I was feeling my oats, so had the emotional stamina to check out one crazy fella Dean Chambers, this weeks right-wing crush at “UnSkewedPoll“. When reality bites, folks who can’t handle the truth, resort to making stuff up. This grifter simply cuts the numbers until his conclusions meet conservative expectations. Let me speak of […]

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jEFFSTANA on July 26th, 2009

Perhaps we can generalize about lying in American politics. Not so much a cherry-picking of existing facts to lend credibility to a particular belief system, but a full-blown invention of events in the absence of evidence. Welcome to the Republican Party and the continuing saga over our President’s origin of birth. The “birther” phenomenon is […]

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jEFFSTANA on January 4th, 2007

The other day a co-worker asked about another of those peevish emails forwarded from an anonymous source. This time the subject concerned Social Security payouts and whom rightly or wrongly should received benefits. She wished to know whether there was any truth to the claims in the email. The gist of the message could be […]

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jEFFSTANA on August 8th, 2006

“50% of Americans polled falsely believe in Iraq WMDs” reads an article in the local red state rag under an AP byline by Charles J. Hanley. [ link here ]. Is this a knuckle-headed country or what? C’mon, those dopey TV ads where overweight empty-headed Americans shake it up — oblivious to their very public […]

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