jEFFSTANA on April 8th, 2014

  A friend with conservative inclinations forwarded a story concerning Patrick Moore, identified in the brief as a co-founder of the environmental group Greenpeace, who spoke out against man-made global warming before the US Senate. The Congressional findings were published February 25, 2014. Mr. Moore died in 2012, making cross-examination of this known radical, ultra-right […]

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jEFFSTANA on December 3rd, 2009

The 28 November 2009 issue of The Economist (TE) includes an opinion column by an unnamed source, titled: “Heated debate“, denying conclusive evidence for global warming. Nothing new from a conservative magazine principally concerned with wealth management and financial advice aimed at the upper crust. The argument ran three parts deceit, with a smidgen of […]

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