Here’s one more example of the flying monkey effect originating within conservative blogs.

Canadian Police Reject Own Anti-Terror Handbook for Being ‘Adversarial’

Search the Internet with the above query, and discover loads of right-wing sites lighting up, one after another, with duplicate “news” articles detailing how Canadians might consider a soft-pedal toward Muslim Jihadists. However, try searching legitimate news channels from Canada, CBC for example, and you will find plenty of sensational crap, but no hits on the above shocking revelation.

No real surprise, since comic book lover, Adam Kredo of The Washington Free Beacon is the inventor of this fiction. Adam gives this mash, one day or so to ferment, then follows with:

US Department of State… not so much.

Why not? What these adolescent jesters have discovered, it takes little proof to seed an avalanche of fear-mongering, especially inside a fertile wheel-house of hate. The Internet is wondrous as well as vile, and people are easily duped by pretty pictures.

In an effort at full disclosure, it should be noted: a handbook was released by a Winnipeg Mosque with contributions by the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP), entitled: “United Against Terrorism“.

There is a section for intelligence and law enforcement officials, starting off with a warning not to equate being religious with being a radical. RCMP spokesman Greg Cox wrote CBC News, saying “the RCMP takes responsibility for its section of the booklet only.” “We have not agreed to avoid using terms such as ‘Islamist terrorism,‘ ‘Islamic extremism‘ and ‘jihad‘.

The handbook will be available online and 100 copies were printed for distribution.

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