jEFFSTANA on October 8th, 2014

Here’s one more example of the flying monkey effect originating within conservative blogs. Canadian Police Reject Own Anti-Terror Handbook for Being ‘Adversarial’ Search the Internet with the above query, and discover loads of right-wing sites lighting up, one after another, with duplicate “news” articles detailing how Canadians might consider a soft-pedal toward Muslim Jihadists. However, […]

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jEFFSTANA on July 26th, 2009

Perhaps we can generalize about lying in American politics. Not so much a cherry-picking of existing facts to lend credibility to a particular belief system, but a full-blown invention of events in the absence of evidence. Welcome to the Republican Party and the continuing saga over our President’s origin of birth. The “birther” phenomenon is […]

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jEFFSTANA on September 6th, 2008

Ironically, the theme of the Republican Convention was “service”. Yet these same Republicans demonstrated no reservation when denigrating those who organize and aid communities disenfranchised from political power. A leader as “public servant” is always oxymoronic for enablers of the wealthy. Perhaps “private servant” is a more appropriate term for they who mock grassroots involvement […]

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jEFFSTANA on September 13th, 2007

An email chain letter circulated recently, fomenting anger toward some of the poorest, least politically represented in our midst — brown-skinned immigrants. The expressed outrage berated “illegal immigrants” — to use a Republican wedge-issue talking point. Real statistics were cited, based on ambiguous demographic descriptions — something like: “uninsured Hispanic immigrants with uncertain immigration status”, […]

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jEFFSTANA on August 17th, 2006

At least twice, email found my mailbox, purportedly as an example of reader angst at lax immigration policy advocated by “liberal media”. First, that this “letter to the editor” is making the rounds by email, suggests a certain fabrication and an alternative means of dissemination and persuasion. Still, this does not change the message. It […]

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