jEFFSTANA on August 6th, 2006

What a great article by Matt Taibbi for RollingStone online, entitled The Mansion Family. He argues — quite effectively — how pundits like David Brooks and the Democratic Leadership Council (DLC), have the common desire to champion the “just be nice” crowd of political movers, which includes mostly those who work within the established party system and catch a bye due to their seniority and focus on the centrist position of power, even as national political bias tilts dangerously toward the autocratic and away from the democratic. Understandably, this results in CYA politics-as-usual for those on the party payroll, and secures the greatest following among those who are presently among the most financially comfortable and arguably, have the most to lose from a grassroots alarmist platform which questions a continuous, incremental assult upon rights and liberties of all American citizens under the present administration.
Can you see a demographic trend here? We have the well-to-do, well-meaning liberal leadership growing tired of fighting the good fight. And why should they? Why should the DLC promote policies of change, when life is so grand — for them? Idealism is a noble cause for the young, naive and powerless. Those with positions to lose — the Democratic leaders, choose to cede their influence bit by bit, in a truly defensive manner. Call it band-aid diplomacy, with a primary focus on tending the garden of big donor money, greasing the wheels of party machinery without the need to stoop and glad-hand the individual voter.
Does it make sense to plug voter-loss through knee-jerk policy that is reactionary without discernable direction or platform? This stategy stifles the progressive spirit of grassroots support. Let’s use the Lamont/Lieberman battle shaping up, for example. Taibbi says it best:

The DLC are the lowest kind of scum; we’re talking about people who are paid by the likes of Eli Lilly and Union Carbide to go on television and call suburban moms and college kids who happen to be against the war commies and jihadists. On the ignominious-sellout scale, that’s lower than doing PR for a utility that turns your grandmother’s heat off at Christmas. And that’s pretty bad — but with enough money and enough of the right kind of publicity their side still might win in the Lamont/Lieberman primary on August 8th.

So we will see Aug 8th, whether CT Democrats choose business as usual, in a continuous slide into oblivion, or pick a fresh face built from the base constituency. If the miraculous does happen, perhaps a tipping point will mark a new direction for the Democratic Party in 2006.

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jEFFSTANA on July 15th, 2006

Haven’t thought this one out all the way yet, but for those of you with strong emotions about what constitutes animal cruelty and specifically animal testing in the medical world, take note. Covance Inc. is hoping to build a new facility in Chandler, Arizona. The plant would potentially be one of the largest test centers in the nation.

Covance, a global biotech firm has already drawn protest from local animal rights activists, specifically Citizens Against Covance, led by Jan McClellan (for more, visit the website: All Creatures and search under Arizona). From the strength of the smear tactics against McClellan, led by lobbyist Rick Berman’s front group — the Center for Consumer Freedom, which doesn’t represent consumers, but rather specializes in attacking activists who oppose his corporate clients, its fair to say Covance has deep pockets. (For more on Berman’s shenanigans see: prwatch .

Covance, with headquarters in Princeton, N.J., is one of the world’s largest and most comprehensive drug development services companies with annual revenues exceeding $1 billion, global operations in 18 countries, and over 7,000 employees worldwide. Covance claims to be “the global leader in safety assessment testing” and “one of the world’s largest and most comprehensive drug development service companies”. Its customers include the top 50 global pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies in the world.

Covance earns animal activist’s ire for their use of animals in medical toxicity studies. A list of services for big pharma includes: acute, subchronic & chronic toxicity, reproductive toxicology, neurotoxicity, as well as what are called ‘specialty services’ such as inhalation toxicology, primate toxicology, continuous infusion studies and ocular toxicity studies. Principally, Covance uses animals to benchmark poison levels for prospective drugs.

Covance purchased 38 acres for $8 million dollars last year (2005) in the Price Road corridor near Germann Road in Chandler, Arizona. They filed plans with the city, Friday 14 July 2006 for phase one of a two phase construction proposal. The initial facility calls for a 282 thousand square foot plant, with potential for further development to a total of 591 thousand square feet. At build out, the facility would be among the companies largest sites for the testing of drugs and they would employ up to 500 people.

Another Covance opponent, the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine, raised fears that the Chandler facility would include an incinerator for the disposal of the animals used in medical testing. Details of the plans and rezoning requests will be made available to the public in the near future and posted on the Chandler city website, Chandler, AZ . More to follow…

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jEFFSTANA on June 12th, 2006

It took awhile to get my mind around the fundamentalist, christianist platform on abortion. Obviously, no one celebrates abortion; yet the depth of anti-abortion passion exhibited by the religious right rates single-issue political status with these zealots. Take the story of a long time acquaintance of mine. He asserts his general affinity for the common man and historically he has voted for the Democratic Party, yet now elects Republicans because “the Democrats allow the choice for abortion and also promote restrictions on gun ownership.” At face-value these two attitudes might seem contrary, even oxymoronic — to be pro-life for the not yet born, while pro-lethal force, if required, toward the living, breathing. Yet these ideas dovetail nicely with the christian concept of innocence. It works like this, we all are protected and pure while in the womb without self consciousness. Once born and aware, we become vessels of blame and guilt. This thinking demands an acceptance of the christian belief that man has an inherently evil nature overcome only by redemption. For those of us “born OK the first time”, these mental/emotional gymnastics boggle the mind.

Within the above context, precepts of fundamentalist Christian teaching grow clearer. Abstinence-until-marriage becomes the only correct answer to: teenage sex, sexually transmitted infection, contraception and unwanted pregnancy. Options this narrowly defined, beckons authority and necessarily melds with today’s Republican Party platform — where security, whether viable or not, trumps freedom every time. Fear kills rational thought. A vulnerable populace embraces control from a predator class of leaders — largely Republican. Instead of nuanced responses tailored to our multi-cultural society, authoritarians propose all or nothing answers. Today’s people under control, delegate standards of ethical behavior, especially issues of morality, to established religious institutions. Consequently, public instruction on matters sexual is thwarted by abstinence-only solutions. Tax dollars fund faith-based organizations with anti-sexuality education. Fear often dominates as a method for teaching, even at the expense of truth. [“Some Abstinence Programs Mislead Teens, Report Says“] Science books and classrooms are censored for illustrations of anatomically correct persons. Sexuality educators face discipline for giving straight forward answers to student’s questions in the context of classroom study. Necessary health programs fight cancellation when they stray from the message of abstinence-only. [“Abstinence-Only-Until-Marriage Education Censors Vital Health Care Information, Jeopardizing Teenagers’ Health“]

When ignorance is king, individuals and society suffer with the misfortune of disease and unwanted pregnancy. Medical breakthrough in cancer prevention becomes contentious when the disease follows as a consequence of sexual activity. Take the advent of vaccine developed to protect women from gynecological cancer. Two U.S. pharmaceutical companies recently touted successful testing to prevent human papilloma virus (HPV). This disease causes 70 percent of all cases for cervical cancer diagnosed in America. If future trials prove both safe and effective, inoculation should be mandated as a public health service, as with other infectious disease. The religious right opposes such deterrence, first on the principle that it does not conform to abstinence theory. This position fails the humanity test, so an alternate fall-back strategy quickly followed; allow vaccination but require parental consent. Why the reservation, why risk a preventable ravaging cancer, one that cannot be prevented by the safe sex use of condoms? The answer from the abstinence-only crowd — disease prevention could be seen as a license to participate in premarital sex.

There you have it. For the christianists, the world holds such little cheer that we must endanger our own children’s health as we deny the realities of this life and rigorously prepare for an afterlife — such a waste.

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jEFFSTANA on June 6th, 2006

So the general population now thinks the war in Iraq is a mistake. We can no longer justify the deaths of our sons and daughters in this foreign land that we occupy. And what of the escalating national debt — how will we pay for this war? When will Congress respond with fiscal responsibility, rejecting tax breaks for those already sufficiently well off? Are we now a nation which condones torture? What of murder of innocents, like those in the Iraqi village of Haditha — is not genocide one of the supporting arguments for disposing of Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein? We hear of secret US sponsored prison camps where people — combatants, suspected terrorists, whoever — are held without standards of due process. Still we thank God for the protection afforded our own inalienable rights — until these defenses also fall under attack, as security concerns provide justification for warrant-less spying granted by those elected or appointed to guard not dilute our freedoms.

While corrosive attempts to dismantle social safeguards legislated over the past eight decades — often in favor of corporate interests, continues — a Republican administration and congress, accused broadly and repeatedly of corruption, cronyism and gross incompetence — schemes to deflect scandalous inquiries with debate upon burning issues of the day — same sex marriage.

When these fear-mongers lose the confidence and respect of most constituents, they rally their faithful rabid base — in this case, homophobic christianist wingnuts. By proffering a constitutional amendment that both curtails individual rights and promotes social inequality, this Republican regime has again sought means to curb personal freedom and enhance institutional authority. Friends, this is the foundation of fascism. As Sinclair Lewis wrote in 1935, “When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in a flag, and carrying a cross.”

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